The solution is often in the detail
Fastening solutions using snaps do not only play a role in the textile industry. Wherever fastening solutions are required that can be closed and opened quickly, easily and, above all, securely, snaps are often an optimal alternative.
A typical example is ISOFIX and i-SIZE plastic labeling systems for child car seats.
But our products can also be found under the hood, e.g. for heat protection. Our engineers will be happy to develop individual solutions with you. Talk to us without obligation.
YKK attaching machines and attaching forms. The pictures show N6S-CL.
Caps: ISOFIX 15 mm – mono-color
Your contact person
Jörg Matthey
Segment Leader Automotive TFM
T +49 202 7493-573
F +49 202 7493-445
M +49 173 5438928